beetsCompanions: lettuce, onion, bush beans
ally: garlic
enemy: pole beans
cucumbercompanions: bean, cabbage family, corn, pea, radish, tomato
allies: marigold, nasturtium, oregano, tansy
enemy: sage
eggplantcompanions: bean, pepper
ally: marigold
lettucecompanions: beet, cabbage family, carrot, onion, radis, strawbery
allies: chives and garlic
parsleycompanions: asparagus, corn, tomato
pepperscompanions: eggplant, carrot, onion and tomato
radishescompanions: bean, carrot, cucumber, lettuce, melon, pea
allies: chervil and nasturtium
enemy: hyssop
strawberrycompanions: bean, lettuce, onion, spinach, thyme
allies: borage, thyme
tomatoescompanions: asparagus, carrot, celery, cucumber, onion, parsley, pepper
allies: basil, bee balm, chives, mint, borage, marigold
enemies: corn, potatoes